About District
Siaha District at a Glance
District Headquarter : Siaha
Distance from State Capital : 378.0
Area : Area in Sq. Km. 1899
Sub-Divisions : Siaha SDO(S) and Tipa SDO(S)
Towns of District : Siaha, Sub Town -Tipa
Major Plantation : TEA, RUBBER, COFFEE
District is link by Roadway
Location : South Mizoram
Geographical Location
- Longitude 92.30-93.15 E
- Latitude 21.5-22.60 E
Area 1966sq Kms
- Siaha R.D.Block 521Sq Kms
- Tipa R.D.Block 1445Sq Kms
Altitude of Siaha Town : 1226 Mtrs
Population 61,056 (as 2001 census)
- Males 31,242
- Females 29,814
- Scheduled Caste 12
Literacy rate (as 2001 census) : 82.43%
Average Per Capita Income (2003-2004) : Rs.17,175.68
Rainfall Record During 2003 : 278.916(Average)
Average Degree Celsius of Saiha Town(2003) : 28.36
Siaha District is situated on the southernmost fringe of the North-eastern region of India and is bordering Myanmar on the eastern and southern side. It has a total population of 60,000 as per the 2001 census. Administratively, it is divided into two blocks-Siaha and Tipa. Siaha block has 37 Village Councils and Tipa block has 41 Village Councils. The district area comes under an Mara Autonomous District Councils under the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution of India. The Councils function like mini- Legislative Assemblies with powers to pass their own laws and rules, subject to ratification by the Administrator (Governor of Mizoram).